Don't you hate it when people expect something for nothing? Or in my case, a wonderful cake for next to nothing. I would hope that after 34 years of decorating, that my experience and time and quality product are worth something. I'm getting tired of selling myself short. Not only that, my prices are still lower than most. It may mean a few less orders right now, but I'm not willing to sacrifice my time for pennies. If you want a beautiful and great tasting product, you've come to the right place when you call me. If you're satisfied with less, then so be it. There, I will now step off my soap box.
Did you remove your wonderful marshmellow fondant recipie? I was so excited to try it and now I can't seem to find it.
Go over to the right column, where it says search this blog, and type in marshmallow (make sure it's spelled correctly) fondant recipe, and will direct you to 3 posts that give you the recipe. Thanks bunches for following my blog.If you have problems finding the recipe, let me know.
I know this is an older post, but I totally agree! I've had the same problem as well. I just have to keep remembering that I need to stay firm on my prices and there are people that are willing to pay for yummy, homemade, and nicely decorated cake. I can't compete with grocery store pricing, but my cake would win hands down in a taste or looks competition. It's worth it for them, but it's also got to be worth it for me :)
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