It's that time again... USAFA graduation time. I think this year there were 990 + cadets that graduated and became 2nd Lieutenants in the United State Air Force. A proud time indeed for the graduates and their families. I have only had the privilege and opportunity once to attend an Air Force Academy graduation, and it was amazing! Of course, my favorite part was the hat toss at the end and then watching the Thunderbirds fly over. Last year because of budget cuts, they cut the flyover... very disappointing. I was glad to see that this year they were back! Residing here in Colorado Springs, I always end up designing several AF cakes throughout the year for promotions and retirements, but at this time of year, I especially enjoy designing cakes for the new 2nd Lieutenants. When I originally started designing these cakes, everything was done with patterns pressed into the icing and filled with buttercream. The details became so much more precise and clean when I got my Cricut Electric cutter. But now... oh my gosh... with my new Zing electric cutter, I can cut out so much better details, especially with the lettering, than I ever have before. Thank you Klik-n-Kut for a great piece of equipment! And congratulations to all of the 2014 USAFA graduates!
One of the first AF seal cakes that I designed-all in buttercream... not bad, but not as precise and clean as this.. |
I use Tappits to cut out the letters outside of the seal. |
Again, before cutter-nice, but not as precise as this... |
One more... AF bars in buttercream... |
AF bars in gumpaste with cutter |
My Zing cutter makes it all possible. I LOVE my Zing!
Some of my other favorite AF cakes...
AF flag cake... one of my most popular retirement cakes
These are the planes he piloted... all edible images
USAFA Chapel for retiring chaplain